Monday, March 28, 2011

Budget plan closes deficit with no tax increase

Cuomo's grin broadened. "I'm hoping that this spirit of love and euphoria that I feel is infectious and grows and continues," he said. [...] Cuomo turned to Silver, his fellow Democrat. "We hope you keep feeling it," the speaker said to laughter.

Keep Gov. Cuomo's jocularity in mind over the next year, as you hear about the realities of the budget cuts. Ha ha, fewer teachers. Ho ho, fewer community programs. Hee hee, no extension of the millionaire's tax. Har har, har har.

But hey, he's building his reputation for a presidential run, and that's what really matters to most New Yorkers.
Congrats to the Albany area Mega Millions winners. Use the money well, take care of yourselves, your families, and your communities. Enjoy!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Miller regrets 'negative publicity' about his arrest

How long before we learn that there was something improper done during the arrest, which will conveniently and coincidentally impact the case against him ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Traffic headaches around Albany Med not easy to cure

Who would have thought that building in the style of a suburban office park, in the middle of the city, would result in traffic problems?

Note that the following words do not appear in the article: public transportation.